Monday, October 13, 2014

YIKES!!!!! Immuno88 Reactiv Bloodprint eating ~ 7 months later

Wow...just wow. My life has changed dramatically since the last time I blogged. 

Quote of the day:

The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together. ~Kurdish Saying

Last time I talked about shopping and eating out while doing the Immuno88 Reactiv Bloodprint Food Plan. I call it a plan because heck I don't know what it is. It is not a diet but it is a new way of looking at my eating life and above all it is a new way of feeling.

On March 19, 2014 I started eating 100% according to my Immuno88 Reactiv Food Plan. This involved not eating 28 foods and removing all processed. So you won't have to go back to previous articles, here they are:

My 28 reactive foods

Almonds, amaranth, banana, BEANS - green, kidney, pinto and yellow wax, cantaloupe, celery, cheese, cranberry, eggs, grapefruit, lemon, lime, MILK (cow, goat, almond), orange, pineapple, pork, pumpkin, rice, sesame, tangerine, wheat, YEAST- bakers and brewers

Changes in my weight, etc........

  • March 19th, 2014         185.7 lbs. (goal to lose 50 total)
  • October 5th, 2014        35.65" lost overall
  • October 12th, 2014      149.1 lbs (-36.6 lbs no exercise) 

Changes to my health..........

  • I no longer get steroid injections to my thumb joint so I can work
  • I no longer have arthritic pain in any of my joints
  • My brain fog is down by 90%....actually less than one week, it was so amazing my head went from feeling like a wet cotton ball to a helium balloon it was awesome.
  • I can remember simple and complex instructions without having to write everything down
  • Migraines are virtually gone and for the 1st time in over 20 years they are more like a dull headache
  • My thyroid has calmed down (the blob that moved every time I swallowed is gone) and I can swallow pills again
  • Hair is not falling out like crazy
  • I have energy and rarely get exhausted where I can't move
  • I don't tire as easily when performing tasks
  • Sleeping without being in pain
  • Stomach gas and bloating is gone
  • Daily elimination
  • Esophagus rarely hurts
  • It no longer hurts to be hugged by someone
  • My libido is back
  • Creativity is back
  • Cholesterol is down
  • All inflammatory markers are down


  • I am eating 100% meaning I am eating no foods of the 28 on my list intentionally.
  • Only a few times have I had issues eating out. They usually forgot and added butter to the steaks and I would be sick for a day.
  • All restaurants have been supportive and many chefs have come out to talk to me personally.
  • I have made more friends everywhere I eat and they remember my needs when I come back.
  • I tweet my experiences with eating and allergy menus
  • My family and all friends are supportive. Even some have fun with it and tease me.
  • Movie theaters use coconut oil so I can have movie popcorn, I always ask to make sure.

Comments and Observations........

  • People are very supportive
  • Once I made up my mind to save my life it just was who I became
  • I no longer have cravings of any kind
  • My husband is amazing and very supportive
  • I have 3 friends doing it as well. Oh wait make that 4 :)
  • Each of my friends have noticed changes as well and each is different. Ones asthma has been reduced by a lot.
  • My son Greg, the chiropractor and the one who administers the test is amazing and very supportive walking through each phase of my journey making necessary adjustments to keep me moving forward. Check out and contact Dr. Greg at: The Wellness Way 
  • I now actually feel like I want to workout
  • I eat what I need, fill up easily and am rarely hungry
  • Life is awesome
  • I can get on the floor and play with my grandson

Where to from here........

I am continuing with the eating plan and I have hopes that when I retest next March that I will get some foods back. But to be perfectly honest I don't miss the foods as much as I thought I would. Once I got rid of the sugars and junk I felt so much better that even if I could I don't plan on going back to eating them. I know for me that eating any of the junky food will cause me to over eat them and start the poor eating cycle over again.

Feeling this good is worth watching what goes into my mouth.

Now I am ready to start an exercise program but 1st I need to get through traveling to Poland to sew costumes for Disney On Ice for 2 weeks and about 6 weeks of sewing for the Circus. So looks like mid-January I am ready to build some muscle.

My future goals........

  • Lose 14 more lbs for a total of 50 lbs.
  • Eventually be off my Hydroxychloroquine with the approval of my RA specialist, or at least get it down to 1 time a day.
  • Workout daily or at least 3 times a week.
  • Continue to share this amazing Immuno88 Reactiv Bloodprint methodology

Stay tuned........

Smiles sprinkled with excitement and well-being,

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What to eat...Oh what to eat

Trauma Tuesday
Tuesday before I could decide what to eat I decided to go through my kitchen to remove all I couldn't eat before heading to the store. Or should I say Kayce went into action. Well actually I would have to say she kicked butt because occasionally I had to sit while she went through everything. 

We went through all my food and medicine cabinets, refrigerator, and freezers. Seriously I can't believe how much was expired and how reading the labels opened my eyes. By the time we were done there wasn't much left. We did make a shelf for Phil when he is home. Let's just say the food up there takes a footstool for me to access. In the refrigerator we put rubber bands around bottlenecks and pink duct tape on lids so I could quickly see what I could use. All I have to say is thank goodness for large trash and recycling containers.


Now it was time to shop. I really love road trips to Madison usually I stop at Barnes and Noble to see Kat, Panera to see Josh, then head to Whole Foods Market and last but the yummy best Starbucks for the drive home. Surely, one more day wouldn't hurt so I decided to eat foods I couldn't have anymore. Yummy gluten free chocolate muffin with chocolate frosting, mexican food, I got so full that I couldn't get Starbucks.

Whole Foods Market has a great selection of organic foods I use for my anti-inflammatory and gluten free diet when I choose to follow it.  First isle we hit was the salad dressing and as you all know there are a lot of selections. Fifteen minutes later between the two of us we found two bottles that I could use, a type of vinegar and oil based. Really my least favorite salad dressing and now something I have to get use to. 

We spent almost two hours in the store reading labels and putting it back. It hit me hard that this was going to be the hardest thing I have ever done. Serious depression set in with all the things I couldn't do. Which having spent my whole life fostering the belief that I could do anything made me want to lay down and cry. Thank goodness I don't like scenes in public. It was time to go home I was done for this day.

Wednesday I discovered eating at home by yourself isn't hard when you have the correct food available but it is hard to make it taste good. Looks like I’ll be researching the internet and Pinterest for menu ideas and reading blogs to shorten my learning curve.

Later that night was girls bowling league and I wasn’t looking forward to finding something to eat as that was part of our ritual. My BFF, Kathy talked to the kitchen to see what oils they use for frying. No French fries, wrong oil. So after much thought, I got a grilled hamburger patty, lettuce, tomatoes and topped it with ketchup, after I checked out the label. Seriously you can't imagine the people that asked me what I was eating and asked how could I eat it because it was boring. Oh well to be honest it actually tasted good.

Thursday was quit a challenge Kathy and I went shopping to Janesville and out to lunch. Yes I said out to lunch. I decided that Famous Dave's BBQ might work as they had chicken, salad, vegetables. Wow imagine our shocked when I asked to see the BBQ ingredients and she mentioned they had an allergy menu. That was great so I pulled out my paper with the 27 reactive food restrictions and started comparing it with the menu. Who would of imagined it would take 20 minutes to find something I could eat.

This greatly upset me because there was a time I dated a man who was such a picky eater, no one I knew wanted to go out to eat with him. I swore I would never eat with someone like that again. Wow shock of all shocks I am now that person.

So I played it safe and ordered broasted chicken but would pull the skin off with the seasoning that I couldn't have, steamed broccoli and corn. I made sure they didn't put any butter on those. When the food was delivered I noticed the corn on the cob was shiny. I asked if there was butter on it and she said they hadn't put butter on it. I asked her to check because when I touch it, my fingers were slippery. She came back with an apology saying they soak the corn in water and butter. Kathy's husband was happy that day and Kathy was also because she got my corn bread. But seriously, kudos to our waitress Paige, for all her patience and understanding. She earned her 25% tip.

Starbucks was not an option so I drank too much soda before and during lunch. Wow not a good idea. All that sugar made me sick and bloated. I am banning myself from soda even though it wasn’t on my list.

So eating out is a challenge and I will need to look at menus online and see what ingredients are listed. After looking at the allergy menu and believe me they were very thorough, they even had the spices on it, I realized there are so many hidden allergens that we are not aware of in general.

Good things have been going on, I lost over 3 pounds already but Greg increased my calorie intake so I wasn't losing too fast and getting light headed. And dare I mention this out loud. Yes I must. Those who know me know that I don't like displays of body functions, passing gas, burping or discussing bowel movements. So I am breaking my unspoken rule to say, all my life I rarely had one bowel movement in two weeks and was always constipated.  Now I am having regular ones daily. So I am celebrating these two good things that come out of this week.

Smiles sprinkled with love,

Quote for the day

"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts." Arnold Bennett

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Great Awaking - Are you Serious!

In my last blog "Living In A Fog - Catching Up" I mentioned that something major had happened Monday that brought me back to blogging.  I received results on some blood tests I had done and was impacted more then 1999 when I was told I had Sjögren's syndrome, RA, and Lupus. Even more than quitting my job due to my health issues in March of 2010 and was unemployed with no new job to go to.

Since the end of 2011 my health has reached a happy plateau with nothing major, I am working in costuming and loving the travel involved. My family is doing great with everyone healthy and happy. I have an amazing life with the exception that I can't lose weight it keeps fluctuating 5-8 lbs with me reaching my all time high, eating was causing me issues where I'd feel bloated, in pain and exhausted. Oh and the big hair was falling out again. 

This last year I have spent a lot of time talking with my son, Greg and his wife Miranda, who are both chiropractors, about these problems and frustrations. We spent many days trying to figure it out while talking about my eating, sleeping and exercise habits. In January, Greg went to work for The Wellness Way where they specialize in Functional Medicine. After sharing my history with them they setup an appointment to meet me and ordered tests on thyroid, ferratin, hormones, cortisol, Vitamin D, and immuno 88 bloodprint for food reactive sensitivities. So I took my tests and patiently waited for the results. 

Last Friday we got part of the tests with areas we need to work on but nothing that was earth shattering. All of this would be addressed further at my appointment. Then Monday Greg got the results of the immuno 88 bloodprint. 

I love the way he presented my shocking (to me) results. The son I raised became the Dr. filled with understanding, compassion, and encouragement that everything would be okay. With a promise that The Wellness Way and my family would be there to support me. That as hard as this would be in the end I would be the healthiest I have ever been. I don't think he has seen or heard me cry in a long time and it warmed my heart that he listened patiently as I cried. And honestly I wanted to be stronger than I was but I was so shocked to see that I tested reactive to 27 out of 88 foods. Even more heartbreaking to me was the foods that I needed to give up in order to heal my body were the things that I enjoy the most. 

My 27 reactive foods
Almonds, amaranth (heck who knows what this is), banana (My sister Tamie will be happy about this), BEANS - green, kidney, pinto and yellow wax, cantaloupe, celery, cheese (excuse me I live in WI...the dairy state), cranberry, EGG (what no baked products, omelets or frittata), grapefruit, lemon, lime, MILK - cow, goat, almond (again excuse me I live in WI...the dairy state), orange, pineapple, pork, pumpkin (my favorite pie of all time), rice, sesame, tangerine, wheat, YEAST- bakers and brewers (Dang no more homemade cinnamon rolls but I can still bake them).

This is a horrible life change for me. I LOVE Starbucks and the one thing I would never give up is ice cream. Guess again. Also do you realize how many things have gluten, egg or milk products in them. All my candy, baked goods, Starbucks, ice cream, pasta.... BREATH.

My way of dealing with these kind of issues is first to cry so after I got off the phone I cried through the night. Then my second thing I do is talk about it and externalize it. So I posted to my Facebook friends that I was having a meltdown and why, knowing that they would support me and help me to move forward. My Facebook friends have never let me down that way. People started sharing that they had similar eating/health issues, others started praying for me and many started messaging me privately sharing recipes, websites, and some of their experiences. 

While I walk this path of healing it is my greatest desire that I can show others that there is hope and that there is a life on the other side of all of this. It is my mission in life to make a difference in any small way that I can. 

Smiles sprinkled with thoughtfulness,

Quote for the day

Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have. - Dale Carnegie

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Living in A Fog - Catching Up

Something major happened to me recently and drove me back to my blog. Curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see what I had written and how much if any my life had changed. I realized I haven't journaled in a few years. My life got busier, sewing costumes was filling my days, I felt better, and somehow the time just slide away into years. I was living in my happy fog. 

The last 3 years I have been sewing costumes for entertainment, The Fireside Theatre and Feld Entertainment (Disney Live, Disney On Ice, Nuclear Cowboyz/Cowgirlz, and Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily Circus) as well as other locations. 

The great thing about this is the traveling, working small to medium blocks of time, meeting people from all over the world, and using my creative sewing skills. An added bonus is having plenty of time between jobs for rest and recovery. A great benefit from working is the new friends I have meet. One of them, Kayce, has been instrumental in my life during this last year or so.

Working though has wrecked random havoc on my eating patterns since during these sewing gigs getting to appropriate foods has been an issue. When I travel I have no car and eat what is available which 9 out of 10 times is fast food. Also most of the work we do is under time constraints thus it's easier to eat junk food during the long work days. I love my profession and it is by far the most rewarding time of my professional life but I need to figure out how to eat better during these times.

My daughter moved to WI to be closer to us, in 2012 I became a grandma and have an amazing grandson by my son Greg and his wonderful wife Miranda, and my husband will be retiring soon. I have spent my time not working reading a crazy amount of books on my addiction, the Color Nook HD+. Best thing about a Nook is you get to take it when you travel. Since I don't always have a car to go buy a book. I can order one at whim via the Nook. 

Recently I started writing reviews about the books I read because seriously everyone needs to read. I am on FaceBook only 5-35% of my time depending on whether I am working. I have an amazing life and am blessed.

Kayce and I joined Anytime Fitness so we could work out together. We both got FitBits and communicate everyday/week/month on our progress in eating and weight. Wednesday night is bowling with my BFF Kathy and Bear, my dog, walks me daily. 

Though I have been sleeping more, moving more, and eating better, my weight was not going down no matter what I was doing, in fact it was going up and down like a seesaw. I continued to look healthy, felt much better, and love my life. I still suffer from exhaustion, muscle weakness and somedays people touching me feels like they are massaging a bruise.

For the last almost 3 years after I was hospitalized as being Septic and beat the odds of 50% mortality I have managed to stay out of the hospital.  Only having minor medical issues like a cyst on my thyroid, 9 cavities in few months due to Sjögren’s Syndrome, stomach issues, shingles, and occasional bladder infections. Overall I am still weak and exhausted. 

When I discovered all the cavities in my mouth I had the dentists remove all old fillings and replace with a nontoxic porcelain component. Wow guess what my migraines decreased by 80%. Now I just need money to get rid of my 2 gold crowns.

Over these last years I have spent a lot of time talking to my son and daughter-in-law about eating correctly, sleeping more and exercising. Both of them are Chiropractors and were concerned about me not progressing in getting healthier. For me it is a frustration because I am gaining not losing and my hair started to fall out about the 1st of this year. I am so frustrated because I had revamped the foods I eat plus I was eating very healthy 80% of the time. I couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight and feeling more energy. I am sure at some point they also didn't understand or thought possibly I wasn't eating better. But I have faith in being able to self heal and I have faith that there are resources out there to help me heal naturally. And even more important is how much better I am feeling today from the last time I blogged in 2011.

Tomorrow I'll update you on what happened to cause my "Great Awakening".

Smiles and love to all,

Quote for the day
"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship." Buddha